Becoming a Member

Becoming a CDADIC Member

Membership requires payment of an annual fee of $60,000. Associate memberships also are available for $30,000 annually for companies with annual gross sales of $25,000,000 ($25 million) or less. All membership fees are used to support CDADIC research activities; no indirect costs are charged. Member companies must share results of center-sponsored research and have shared rights to intellectual property as described in the CDADIC-industry contract.

For more information contact us:

Andreas Weisshaar
Oregon State University
School of EECS
Corvallis, OR 97331-5501
Phone: (541) 737-3153
Fax: (541) 737-1300
Jacques (Chris) Rudell
Co-Director (UW)
University of Washington
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
M410, Electrical Engineering Bldg.
Box 352500
Seattle, WA  98195
Phone: (206) 685-1600
Fax: (206) 543-3842
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